Somos tu nuevo copiloto
Automatizamos tus procesoscontenidosmaterialesleadscampañasreportes
Integramos las tecnologías más avanzadas para optimizar, escalar y revolucionar tu operación.
de ahorro en costos de marketing y operaciones, optimizando recursos existentes.
de aumento en productividad gracias a la reducción de tareas manuales e integración de flujos de trabajo.
de aumento promedio en la eficiencia operativa de nuestros clientes a través de procesos efectivos.
Soluciones personalizadas para impulsar tu empresa

Old Way
- Implementaciones aisladas que tardan en generar resultados.
- Altos costos fijos en tecnología y personal.
- Falta de visibilidad sobre métricas y datos esenciales.
- Repetición de tareas manuales y poca innovación en procesos.

Hassō Way
- Resultados visibles desde el inicio.
- Inversión inteligente: entendemos primero tus pain points y así logramos reducir costos después.
- Reporting y análisis profundo en tiempo real para tomar decisiones acertadas.
- Procesos optimizados y escalables: innovación continua sin sacrificar la productividad.
your business with our system.

Smarter performance.
Strategic Hub
Analyzing strategic ways for your business to grow.
We are not here to operate hastily; we are here to guide you on the best path for your business. Our consulting services are the foundation for designing the smartest route to achieving your goals.

Omnichannel automation
Creative Hub
Omnichannel automation on design, production and distribution processes
Our methodology creates asset variations in seconds for any channel. Enhance your creativity through innovative format exploration and engage your audiences efficiently.

More value for your business
Intelligence Hub
Tailored assistance, faster improvements.
Our analytics help us monitor your strategy’s performance. We will keep an eye on your KPIs and deliver better recommendations for you to improve your creative automation. Smart tuning for better performance.
Our Solutions:








image & video generation


Or we can develop your customized solution. Give us a touch!
Everything starts with a Pixel
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The best tools, for better results




Image Generation

Video Generation

Ad Creation
What is people
The customer support team has been incredibly helpful whenever I’ve had any questions. I can’t imagine going back to my old content creation methods!

I would highly recommend this tool to anyone looking to streamline their content creation process. We recommend it!

I was blown away by the quality of the content generated by this AI Text website.

Not only did it save me time, but it also helped me produce content that was more engaging and effective than what I had been creating on my own.

As a freelance writer, I was looking for a tool that could help me generate ideas and write faster. This AI Text website has done that and more.

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PXH AI-centric managed services that enhance marketing content production and performance optimization through enterprise implementations, custom automation, and training.
PXH leverages tech partnerships with Zapier, Salesforce, Adobe, and others to integrate systems and implement AI-powered automation, predictive modeling, and real-time media activation.
SCI System is a service that streamlines collaboration between humans and machines to produce marketing content and optimize performance.
PXH commits to responsible AI use, focusing on representation, bias mitigation, and data security. They maintain ethical standards through established strategies and ongoing evaluation.
PXH provides AI solutions across various industries, including marketing, advertising, media, and technology sectors.
You can get in touch with PXH to schedule a consultation or demo through their website to discuss how AI can be integrated into your business.
Have any question? Send us a message!
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Our Blog (created with AI)

Estados Unidos Redefine el Juego Global: Nuevas Restricciones de IA y su Impacto Estratégico

¿Amigos o depredadores financieros? La realidad detrás de las aplicaciones de finanzas personal basadas en inteligencia artificial

“El desafío de la era digital: IA, derechos de autor y el futuro de la creatividad”

Inteligencia Artificial y Derechos de Autor: Tecnología en la cuerda floja de la propiedad intelectual